Monday, September 1, 2014

11 Months Old

Here we are, the last month before my baby is a one year old -- a toddler. I can't believe that eleven months have flown by. Every month that passes is another month that I realize how very amazing life is.

Kaiden is still going through separation anxiety. It hasn't gotten any better, but I also don't think it's gotten to be any worse. He dislikes it when I am away from him, even if I am still in the same house, and to combat this, I've been letting him cry a little more each time, or I put him in his pack and play and encourage him to play on his own.

Since school is back in session, he is back in daycare regularly. I don't get to nurse him during my work day anymore, and that's been an adjustment on both of our parts. I pump once at work, despite the fact that I don't nurse him during the day anymore, but I may have to bump it up to twice at work since I suspect my supply is not where it should be. We will see.

At the beginning of the week, leaving him at daycare is harder than at the end of the week, since he has to warm up to the idea that I leave him to go to work. Sometimes it upsets me, but I know he gets over it quickly most of the time and moves on to playing.

We've been battling tantrums as well, mostly surrounding the fact that I won't hold him and let him nurse 24/7. But sometimes, it's over silly things, like not letting him eat a whole box of cheerios. The ridiculous ones are hard not to laugh at, but I remind myself and my husband that those are his feelings we are laughing at, and we should respect how he is feeling, even if it is absurd.

We made the switch to cloth diapering after we went through all the boxes of free diapers that our friends gifted to us. So far, we love it, but we are only on day two. :)

Kaiden is still nursing like a champ. He'd nurse for 24 hours straight if I let him.

Well, here's the list!

New Things Kaiden Does

- says "Hi, Dada" or "Hi Doggie" or just "hi" ALL THE TIME.
- mimics the tones of multi-word phrases (example: Where are you? or I love you)
- figured out that waving is a way of expressing hello and bye bye (before, he'd just say the words)
- high fives
- points, but not at specific things he wants yet.
- plays in his crib when he wakes up instead of crying.
- Cruises from one piece of furniture to the next, but doesn't cruise along a piece of furniture
- Crawls everywhere and anywhere
- Starting to climb
- Can locate things with his eyes when you ask him (example: Where is your turtle? Where is daddy?)
- absolutely loves his blankey and will be silly in love with it when you give it to him

Throwing a fit -- like Kaidens do.

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