Monday, December 26, 2011

The Next Step

As of today, the nurse informed me that I go in tomorrow for a pregnancy test (which will ultimately be negative -- not that I'm being a downer, but I've been charting, and I'm totally not pregnant, nor did I even manage to ovulate in the past two months), and then they will call in my provera.

Provera is progesterone which they give to you to simulate the end of your cycle so that your body thinks that you ovulated and then will bring on your period, thus ending a cycle with no ovulation (called an annovulatory cycle). After this, I will start on Clomid again, which will stimulate ovulation around a certain date. I'll go through many blood tests and ultrasounds, and when everything has lined up right, they will do the IUI, or inter-uteral insemination, which is when they directly place the sperm into the uterus, bypassing all the other obstacles sperm have to go through to get to the eggie.

It's going to be a sucky process, but a necessary one. It has a high success rate, higher than what I can do on my own, which is...very low. We are hoping that it works the first time around, but if it doesn't, we'll try a few more times before other options need to be considered.

So far, it's unclear what is causing my infertility issues beyond my PCOS, which is diagnosed as "unexplained infertility." It's a little infuriating, not knowing what is wrong with you, but at the same time, it could be worse. Much worse. And it's not. So, God-willing, this will work out. I'll keep everyone updated as we go through this IUI cycle. Mostly, it just makes me feel better to get this all out in words and not having to keep it to myself.

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