Monday, March 31, 2014

Six Months Old: Happy 1/2 year birthday, Buggy!

I can't believe that my little man is going to be six months old tomorrow. Where has the time gone? There are some nights, as I am putting him to bed, that I hold him a little longer because I am so amazed and in love by the little being in my arms. I cry happy, silent tears because I know that one day, I won't be able to hold him like this anymore. One day, he will be big and grown and won't need me the way he does now.

When Kaiden reaches out for me, my heart melts. Those little hands open and close, waiting for me to pick him up, and when I do, I hug him and kiss him, and sometimes he hugs and kisses me back. I don't even mind the open-mouth, slobber "kisses" that he plants on my cheeks...I love them. I love him.

Tomorrow also marks six months of breastfeeding. I believe it is called the "silver boobies" but...I find that whole system to be ridiculous and a bit pretentious. Anyway. Today, I went to the park with the baby, and he wanted to eat. I spotted another mother nursing and an empty space on the bench next to her. So, I wandered over her way, asked if I could join her, and we nursed and chatted about our babies. It was nice, really nice.

I remember when I was trying to make this choice to nurse or bottle feed that I was only going to nurse for the first week. Then the first month. Then the first three months. Now, I am at a half a year. I think it is because I have a great support system, from my LC to Corrine, my husband and my co-workers. Most working mothers wean early because it's a pain in the ass to pump at work. I am fortunate in the way that my co-workers do not mind if I take my lunch and planning period to go nurse Kaiden, who is only ten minutes away. They also always, ALWAYS make sure that I have some coverage so I can go pump as well. No one ever makes me feel guilty about it. They are all very aware with how important it is for us.

So, what is my Bug up to now?

-He is still teething, but no sign of any teeth yet aside from drool and crankiness.
-He grabs and manipulates well with both hands now, using them together to get objects he wants
-He can drink from a sippy
-He eats 1/3 a jar of fruit for lunch and 1/3 a jar of veggies for dinner along with 1 TBSP of rice cereal. So far he's had applesauce, bananas (solid and pureed), pears, prunes, mangoes, peas, sweet potatoes, squash and carrots. He likes all of those except for the carrots, it seems like.
-His reflux is still around. It was better for awhile, but it seems to be acting up again. He needs his medicine adjusted
-He reaches for people he wants
-He cries when mommy walks away
-He doesn't mind the car seat much anymore
-He loves his blue blankey with the bears. In general, he loves snuggling under blankets.
-His favorite toy is his jumperoo or his crazy ball thingy.
-He still prefers "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" over "Hush Little Baby" at night time
-He is very impatient. Still.
-He can sit on his own.
-He easily rolls both ways.
-Sometimes he can move from a sitting position to moving forward onto his hands and knees, and then his belly
-He still doesn't love tummy time, but he is getting used to it and knows he can roll over if he's tired of it
-He loves the dog. He loves to grab the dog. The dog doesn't seem to know what to do.
-He flirts with all women
-He can play "Peek-A-Boo" on his own

I am sure there is more, so I'll add to the list when I can. :)

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