Thursday, September 27, 2012

Progesterone Test

On Tuesday, as I wrote, I went in for a progesterone test to see if I actually ovulated or not. Though the nurse did not say what my progesterone level was, she did say she was going to call in a provera script to end my cycle.

Something inside of me told me not to pick up the prescription yet, and to wait until the weekend to take it. So, yesterday, my temp went up a little bit, and today, it shot back up to 97.9, which is around my normal post-ovulation range. I checked my cervix, and it finally dropped back down to "low" which is normal after one ovulates. If my temperature stays where it is today or goes up higher, then it's an indication that I probably ovulated on Tuesday, the day of my progesterone test. This would make sense, because the test wouldn't have picked up an increased level of progesterone yet, if I was ovulating on that day.

Of course, none of this means anything until we see what tomorrow's temperature is. But, maybe I'm not out this cycle yet. Maybe there's still a little bit of hope?

Yesterday, after going back to Philadelphia to go with my friend to her sonogram appointment, I was inspired to finally call up Johns Hopkins Fertility Center to make an appointment for a second opinion. I need to move forward. I can't just sit here and do nothing because my clinic decided to play the weight game and blame everything on that. My appointment is on October 30th. Hopefully, then, I'll have some more answers.

Anyway. I'll keep you updated.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you for getting another opinion! I've wondered if the clinic you were using was really doing the best they could. Fx for your success before the end of the year! :)
