Sunday, April 22, 2012

My IVF Protocol

For those of you who care, this is my IVF schedule/protocol:

4/10 - Start of cycle. Start prenatal vitamins.
4/11 - Baseline bloodwork. Start birth control pills (BCP) for 21 days.
4/23- Mock embryo transfer and endometrial biopsy.
5/1- Start Lupron and baby aspirin
5/5- Stop BCPs and continue Lupron and baby aspirin
5/10- Baseline bloodwork and ultrasound

If the bloodwork and ultrasound come back normal, then I begin my stims along with the Lupron and baby aspirin. Stims last for ten days, and then it's time for egg retrieval and then the transfer. :)


  1. What's the baby aspirin for? -J

    1. It's to promote blood flow in the uterus, I believe.
