Saturday, August 4, 2012

IVF#2: 8dp2dt or 10 DPO

I am at 10 DPO right now. Some "normal" women start to take their pregnancy tests around now, even if it is still rather early for positive results. I used to start testing at 7 DPO, which is the earliest you can start testing. Last IVF cycle, I was testing like twice a day from early on to try and test out my trigger, if you remember me making all those posts with the tests to compare the darkness of the lines.

How many times did I test so far? NONE. I have managed to stay away from the HPTs, even if my willpower is waning.

My beta is in six days.

Last IVF cycle, it took seven days past my booster shot for the line to disappear and for my hopes to be crushed. I was 15 DPO then.

I took my booster shot on Tuesday. It's been five days. A line would probably still show up if I were to take a HPT right now, which is why I'm afraid to try. I don't want to get my hopes up again.

My husband came downstairs today and said, "What happened to not taking any pregnancy tests?" To which I replied, "What are you talking about?" And then he went on to explain that he "saw the tests" in the trash can. What he saw were these:

I guess they kind of look like HPTs when they are wrapped up, but that's a Crinone suppository, which is my progesterone dose for the day. I have to take them twice a day to keep my progesterone up where it should be. Part of me wonders if it is enough, since I sort of cheated and took my temperature the last three days, only to see it decline and not go up. :/ But, I am trying not to worry about that too much. I have enough on my plate.

As far as symptoms go, I'm symptom-free. That's a little worrisome too, but I don't want to read into it too much. Even when I take my HCG shots, I don't really have any symptoms, so I don't think I am as sensitive to the pregnancy hormone as some other women are.

Anyway. I think I will try to hold out until Monday. That will make me 12 DPO. Then, I will have a week to soften the blow before my beta on Friday. Or maybe I'll wait until Wednesday. We will see.

I'm getting nervous.

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