Thursday, January 26, 2012


I know, I know. It's really early. Probably too early, but there are women who swear they've had symptoms earlier than 5 DPO (days past ovulation). I don't know if mine are just left over from my trigger shot (which wore off already) or what, but this is what I've been experiencing the last few days:

3 DPO: back cramps, nausea (especially in the car), increased hunger, PEANUT BUTTER CRAVING!
4 DPO: increased hunger, peanut butter craving, tired, hot flashes (at night)
5 DPO: twingy cramps, tired, increased hunger

My temp went way up today, from a 98.2 to a 98.7, which is also a great sign. I'm trying not to get too excited, but I've never had all these strange symptoms before, and I'm hoping it's not solely because of the trigger shot.

Tomorrow, I get more blood work done, this time to check on my progesterone to see if I need to be on medicine until I (hopefully do not) get my period. Let's be positive -- I mean, until I get pregnant. :)


  1. Hey steph, I love keeping up with you on this blog, just wanted to let you know that I felt "symptoms" the day after conceiving with both my kids, I just "knew". Fingers are crossed for you!!!

