Thursday, December 20, 2012

Biposy #1 Done

I have to say, with the exception of the pain on the morning of my last egg retrieval, and the pain right after it...this biopsy was the most painful procedure I've been through so far. I squirmed and moaned in pain, and although it lasted about thirty seconds, that was thirty seconds too long. I cramped up for a little while after that, and it hurt to drive back to work. I'm feeling better now, but I'm still crampy.

That really sucked, and to top it all off, in two weeks, I'll have to do it again.

I keep telling myself this will all be worth will all be worth it...

But at the same time, I keep asking myself what sane person puts themselves through this much torture.



  1. A sane person who has a lot of love to share, that's who.

  2. I just want t say that I just love Birky's comment.

  3. A mother will...and you will make a beautiful one.
    love, MOM
