Monday, June 11, 2012

Diet and Exercise

Well, it's back to dieting, and I am going to force myself to exercise. Every morning, I am going to wake up with my husband when he goes to work, eat breakfast, then go to the track and walk two miles. I need to get my weight under control, and though I have no idea what is causing the rapid weight gain (which has been happening over the past year), I know all these hormones and junk isn't helping. I need to break the cycle somehow.

As for how I've been doing...not so great. I'm still rather down, about this and other things that decided to happen all at once. Thankfully, I see my lovely therapist today, and my psychiatrist later on this week. He had me lower my medication to prepare for pregnancy, and I don't think it's been going so well. I definitely don't feel like myself, and that scares me because I don't want to go backwards and slip into a depression again. I want to stay above it. And I think staying above it and being in a healthy place is important for me and important for a pregnancy, should I ever get pregnant. It's not an easy decision to make, but I hate feeling this way, and I don't think I want to experiment anymore with playing with my dosages.

Also, you will notice I am up at 4am, which has been happening every day since my beta because I keep having horrible, stressful dreams about babies and my job and all sorts of nightmares. I don't know what to do about this, but I wish it would stop. :(

1 comment:

  1. I'll join you on the track down the shore all next week. Let's also bike together on the boardwalk each morning...then go back to bed.
