Saturday, February 23, 2013

8 Weeks? Ultrasound

I know I left everyone in the dark yesterday after my ultrasound. Well, actually, I didn't know this until I went to bed last night, since I completely forgot about updating the blog. So, here goes.

Now, yesterday I was 7w5d. I had to go back for a repeat ultrasound because at the last one, my baby didn't yet have a heartbeat. I was nervous, especially since earlier this week I was freaking out due to a rude comment someone made to me, and I thought that something might be wrong. But, at the same time, I wasn't too nervous, because I knew this would go okay.

The appointment, though, was a little strange.

The nurse (whom I never met before) greeted us and asked me how I was feeling. I told her that I have my good days and my off days, and today was an off day. At that point, I had already starting feeling crappy (it just passed 3pm, go figure), and I was developing a headache that very quickly turned into a migraine. She kind of looked at me strangely and asked if I was nauseous, and I told her that sometimes I am, and sometimes I just feel yucky, but not like I have to throw up. She also seemed confused about this too. So, she told me to jump on the table and we'll see what's going on.

I know what is going on, lady. I'm pregnant.

But, I got ready and got up on the table and waited for the doctor. It doesn't take long before he comes in, and I realize this is a doctor I've never met before. He didn't even tell me his name. I heard another patient mention something about how my doctor either had surgery  himself, or was in a surgery, and so, it made sense that I'd have some interim doctor instead, but usually it's the other doctor who practices there, so this took me by surprise.

The nurse told him I wasn't feeling well, and he asked me to lie back and get this show on the road. And so, I did.

I held my breath all for a moment until I saw, pretty much right away, that flicker of a heartbeat on the monitor, even before he got a good angle on my little squiggle. When he did, I saw it much better, and he pointed out to me that the flickering was the heartbeat. Never before was there a more beautiful sight. When he got the wand in a good position, he was able to focus in on the heartbeat and play back the sound of it, and that brought tears to my eyes. What an amazing thing, for something as small as a blueberry to have its very own heartbeat. It is truly surreal.

So, Squiggle's heartbeat is 150 bpm, which is great! Next, he measured the gestational sac, and the baby itself, and then checked my womb for any other sacs that we might have missed.  When he was all done, I sat up and he gave me my print outs from the sonogram.

And now, another confusing part.

I asked him if I was measuring okay, since last time, I was measuring a couple days behind. He replied to me, "You are measuring bigger than you should be, so it's good." But, he didn't tell me the measurement, and I was too lost in my la-la land to ask him. Later, when we were in the car, I noticed the sonogram pictures say the gestational age (which is the age from conception) is 7w1d. This means, if he is saying I am measuring "bigger" than I should be, that they are calculating my due date a different way than I am, and somehow have me back in the sixth week still?

Not only that, but after the doctor left, the nurse said to me, "Well, now we know why you are feeling sick, don't we?"

Did you look at my chart, lady? I already had three beta tests done, and an ultrasound to confirm pregnancy. I already knew why I felt sick.

I am truly wondering if either of them looked at my chart at all.

In either case, I am sticking with my due date and my calculation. That means that I am measuring a few days behind still, but that's okay, because a few days really isn't much of a difference this early on.

On the way home, my headache turned into a migraine, and I very quickly started to feel worse. I almost puked getting out of the car, and once I got into the house, I took some tylenol, grabbed my ice mask and went right up into bed to sleep it off. Thankfully, I woke up and the migraine was gone, but the nausea was not gone, and continued through the night. And today, my body has decided that it's a good thing to wake up at 4 am and be starving, so here I am, and here I go to get breakfast. :)

Oh, and here's my darling Squiggle:


  1. :) Beautiful little squiggle! And for the record, stay away from negativity. SOME people have no idea when to keep their lips zipped. That little one is growing strong :) I am so happy for you, Mamma xo

    1. I haven't been hanging around FF as much as before, I feel like. People just tend to piss me off on there, and I can't really relate to them at all. Meh.

  2. Congratulations!! Adorable little Squiggle!!

  3. Super cute squiggle! And, just for fun, Peyton's heartbeat was always 150 or higher and they say that heartbeat is indicative of a girl :P Of course, that's a wive's tale and who knows, but it's fun to guess! Also! They calculated my due date from my last menstrual cycle. And while I know you are doing this differently than I and I'm not really sure how they calculated yours, they always gave me 2 weeks more than I would have expected because I wasn't even inseminated then. Due dates are weird and tricky, but all that matters now is you have a tiny little human growing in there!! <3

    1. Yeah, I can't do it from my last LMP because it was medically-induced and not really the beginning of the cycle, if that makes any sense. I have to calculate by "ovulation" date, which, for me, is my conception date. And, since this was a FET, that means I have to subtract how old my embryos were from the date I transferred to find my "ovulation" date. All very confusing. It seems to me that they put in my transfer date as my ovulation date, which would make sense for why they are saying I am ahead of where I should be. I am not sure why they would do that, but whatever. :P

    2. My 8 week ultrasound changed my original estimated due date. A few days obviously doesnt matter much in the beginning, BUT... when you are a day away from your due date (compared to 4 days according to the original) it definitely makes a difference. At the least it makes a difference in induction! Hopefully she doesnt make me wait for that though! haha. Love you and your bacon seed!

  4. They measure conception in a really weird way that I never understood. They made Rachael's conception date 2 weeks BEFORE the donor was even here to make the baby. Rachael tried to explain that you are technically pregnant for 10 months, but I couldn't get beyond the fact that she was 'pregnant' before there was ever any sperm/egg interaction. Whatever, I'm not a doctor.

    1. Yes, normally they count from your LMP, and that's because most women do not know they day they ovulated. So, to keep everyone on the same page, they just assume that conception takes place fourteen days after your first cycle day. So, every woman is, by this theory, technically two weeks pregnant all the time.

      But, since I know the date of my conception, it's not the same for me. :)

  5. Where are you measuring from? They start counting at CD1, even though it makes more sense to count from ovulation day...I'm not sure I really get it either, but I'm sure it's because most women have no idea when the hell they ovulated.

    1. But, since I went through a FET, and I am still seeing my RE, they should know better than to count from CD 1. They know exactly when conception happened, and most REs wouldn't count from CD 1 because that makes no sense.

      Someone pointed out to me that they think they put my transfer date in for my ovulation date, instead of subtracting six days from the transfer date -- and that would explain why they think I am a week behind.

      I am going to email my nurse on Monday and find out. :)

  6. YAY! Squiggles are best! And for more old wive's tales Keira's heartbeat was always above 150 and the chinese gender predictor was right. *shrugs*

    I also couldn't stand the smell of meat or eggs and craved cake and big mac special sauce. Go figure.

  7. YAY! More good Squiggle news! I'm glad that you're getting to experience everything on this wonderful journey -- mainly because you've worked so hard and wanted this sweet baby squiggle so much. I'm super excited for you and Brandon!
