After the OB, I had to go to work, which was stressful because the kids were being ridiculous. I planned to leave at 3 because my RE appointment was at 3:30. Of course, as teachers know, I didn't get out of there at 3, but rather at 3:15. Somehow, I managed to get to the office on time. Woot.
I was seen pretty quickly at the REs office. Dr. W. saw me today, which I was glad, because I like her. She showed me my little Squiggle, and immediately I could see the difference ten days made! Squiggle has little arm and leg buds now, and eyes that can be clearly seen. And? The most amazing part? Squiggle was MOVING! In was in a cute, stupid way, wiggling back and forth and back and forth, as if he knew I was watching him. We were all laughing because it looked so ridiculous. Squiggle's heartrate is around 170, which I already knew from my doppler, and he is measuring just fine. Dr. W. even did some 3D pictures, which was fun!
What was curious this time around was that she zoomed in on a second sac and asked me if anyone talked to me about it yet. I told her that no one did, and she pointed out that it was either a gestational sac at one time and stopped growing, or it is a SCH, or a Subchorionic Hematoma , which is a bleed between the uterus and the placenta, sometimes made during implantation. She told me either way, it's not an issue, since I've not had any bleeding, and if I didn't by now, I probably wouldn't. Crazy to think, though, that there might have been two in there, though, I seriously wonder how they could have missed that the first two times. It was fairly big...
That was my last visit to the RE, though. Dr. W. released me to my OB and even told me I could stop my progesterone shots and switch to the inserts until 3/15. I feel like I've graduated, and I am so happy to not have to go back to the RE. At least not for a few years. :)
Well, here are the last pictures I'll have of Squiggle for a little while. If I understood the nurse practitioner correctly, I won't have another ultrasound until around 20 weeks, which is crazy. But. Whatever!
This is a face-on view from the top. You can sort of make out the eyes, but definitely see his little arms and legs. This was the view that we saw him squirming back and forth. It was really the cutest thing ever.
This is a 3D image of Squiggle.You can see his arms and legs sticking straight out!
And here is another 3D image where you can see the umbilical cord and an eyeball!