Thursday, March 14, 2013

Trip to the Hospital

For the last three days, I've had a dull headache that wouldn't go away with tylenol, warm showers, sleep....nothing. Today, after a rough day of school, the headache exploded into a full-blown migraine. I immediately came home from work and got into bed.

After sleeping for two hours, I woke up feeling sick. I didn't eat anything since 11 am, and at that time, it was 7pm, and I wasn't hungry at all. I read through my pregnancy packet from my OB, and it stated several times that if I have a headache that doesn't go away with Tylenol to call the office.

So, I called the office, since I was sick of the headache, and now not thrilled with the migraine. My midwife called me back and told me that I should go to the hospital. And that's what I had to do.

For the most part, everything was okay at the hospital. The baby's heart rate was 161, but my blood pressure was soaring when I first got in. I forget the top numbers, but my bottom numbers went from 101 down to 80 within an hour or so. But it wasn't good to be up at 101 at all.

They gave me some IV fluids and Reglain (sp?) to help with the migraine. It went away pretty quickly, but I had to continue to lay there while the IV fluids were pumped. Once it was all in, I was discharged from the hospital. Funny, because as soon as they hooked me up to the IV and started to push the meds and fluids, I got hungry right away. So, I came home and ate a peanut butter and jelly sammich, and now I'm going to bed.

Hopefully, I don't have to go back there anytime soon!

1 comment:

  1. Watch out with those headaches, pre-e isn't anything to joke with. And stay hydrated! :P

    Glad you're doing better now, though.
