Tuesday, January 22, 2013

1dp6dt: Tired. Very tired.

I can't tell if I am getting sick, or the progesterone is really starting to kick my ass. I am SO tired. I can't even think straight, that's how tired I am. I want to play xbox, but then I won't, because I'm too tired. I want to play online, but then I don't, because I'm too tired. It's really getting annoying.

This morning, at the faculty meeting, I was so tired, I couldn't tell if I was dizzy or just delirious from being so sleepy. My eyes just wanted to close.

And they still do.

B is out late tonight doing work stuff, so I had to give myself the PIO shot. I really hate giving myself that shot. Somehow, I managed to do it without making myself bleed, so that's good. I also think that we've been doing the shots in the wrong place, but whatever.

It's not even 8pm yet.

Can I sleep now?


  1. I've been following your blog and been thinking about you! I have my transfer for my first FET on feb. 4 so I'm hoping good things for both of us! Go to bed at 8 and enjoy it. :) I always like to go to bed early so it gives me less time to think negative thoughts!
