Monday, May 14, 2012

Bloodwork #2

I was supposed to have an ultrasound and bloodwork done today, but when I got there, they informed me I was only having bloodwork done. Okay. Whatevs!

I woke up this morning feeling much like a balloon. I am bloated and I can feel my ovaries are bigger than they should be. When I got to the doctor's, the nurse asked me how I was feeling, and I told her I felt like I was bloated. She said back to me, "Oh no, not yet." Like you know how I feel, Ms. Nurse.

Okay, fine. I don't feel bloated. Whatever. The blood draw took two seconds and I was out the door.

I had to call back at 1pm for my results, which I did. The same nurse tells me that they are going to lower my Menopur and Gonal-F dosage down to 75 mg. Why? Well, my estridol levels should be between 200-400, but she told me that I was "responding very well" and my levels were 751.



This means that I have lots of follicles (or it should mean that), but if it keeps going up so quickly, that I could be over-stimulating, which will possibly mean a canceled cycle. And I will be very upset if that is the case.

So, here is hoping my ovaries slow down a little bit. I go back on Wednesday for an ultrasound and bloodwork. At least then I can see how many follicles there are.


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