Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Phone Call

The embryologist, Kim, called me today around 8:40am. I waited so nervously for the phone call, and as soon as I picked up and she said hello, I knew it would be good news. She sounded too pleasant to not have good news.

She told me that out of my three eggs, all three fertilized, but the third one fertilized with FOUR sperm, so that one was discarded. This means I have two embryos. Two little mes and the husband floating around in a petry dish at the moment. It's amazing to think about. Kim said that my transfer is going to be tomorrow now, and not Friday, because they want to get the embryos back in me as soon as possible.

Kim also explained something that bothers me, and that is that on the 21st, they were able to see through my bloodwork that my progesterone was rising, and that I was going to ovulate. That means they KNEW BEFORE HAND that I was going to ovulate, and they didn't try to get me in there any sooner than Tuesday morning. I could have had more eggs and could have avoided all the pain if they would have called me in sooner. She said that they use 60cc syringes to withdraw the fluid from the ovaries, and that they filled up a SYRINGE AND A HALF of fluid from my ovaries...which was not normal. She also said they tried to recover eggs from the ovulated fluid, but they couldn't find any.

Anyway. Whatever. I have my two embryos now, and I have to focus on making them happy so they stick inside of me and grow into a baby. Or two. Just don't mention that to the husband, it makes him nervous. ;)

Officially, also, I am naming my embryos: Petunia and Daisy. Muahahaha.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for Petunia and Daisy! Fx!
    And yeah your clinic basically wasted your time and money. It was lucky they found three eggs as it is.
