Thursday, May 24, 2012

Embryo Transfer

Today was transfer day. It was pretty non-eventful, really. All I did was go in, put on a hospital gown, gave permission for that pre-med student from Tuesday to be there, and then Dr. P. put the embryos in me.

Here are my embryos, Petunia and Daisy:

And here I am after they have been transferred: 

After this, I went to acupuncture and had a nice little nap. Now I should be on bed rest until tonight. So, to bed I go!


  1. YAY! and it is great to see a smile on your face! :D

  2. Ditto what they said. Cute names...can't wait to meet them! And yes, it is wonderful to see your lovely smile again. Keep smiling...the best is yet to come! xo

  3. Hope you got a good night's rest! Dad and I are so excited and praying for your success! - Laura
