Monday, November 26, 2012

Cryo Report

I forgot to update with my cryo report. The nurse called me today to tell me that they were able to freeze four embryos total. I guess the others didn't make it another day, or they weren't good enough to freeze. I will get a cryo report in the mail, and maybe that will tell me more.

I am so, so, so happy about this. This means I have four more chances, or two more chances if we decide to transfer more than one in the future. It also means that if this cycle fails, I won't have to go through the torture of a whole, new fresh cycle. This also takes a huge, giant burden off of me. I was simply terrified the last two cycles because I had no back up embryos. I had nothing. It meant that I had to submit myself physically and emotionally to a whole, new, fresh IVF cycle. And just thinking about having to go through it again after my last cycle was so devastating.

But now, I have four embabies all snugged up and bundled in a freezer in Towson. They will either be siblings for Thor, or they will be my next opportunity to get this show on the road. I much prefer the first option. :)

I am going to ask tomorrow to see when I get my flash drive filled with pictures, too. They didn't tell me that I was excluded from the study, so hopefully it still happened. For those of you who don't remember, I volunteered to take place in a study where the embryos are monitored under a special camera that tracks their growth every twenty minutes. Usually, embryos are checked on once a day, which involves them having to be moved from their incubator to the microscope. This study is not only to document embryo growth patterns, but also to see if they do better if they aren't moved. I am all about science and forwarding it, especially when it comes to possibly helping other women who are suffering what I am.

There. You were spoiled with two updates today. One slightly less cranky than the other. :)

1 comment:

  1. Now you have to give them Avengers names... Just saying. :)
